Tuesday 28 August 2012

Did you check in today?

Check out what was posted on my colleague's office door today. Yup. An open invitation to "check in" with yourself. I love this! Ever since being in the addictions and social work fields I have been doing a self check in at least once per day to first see how I am feeling and second to determine what I may need to help me cope with the feeling. It's common practice to do a check in and out in every group or individual session and I believe in practicing what I preach. Try this for one moment ... practice mindfulness and live in the moment. How are you feeling RIGHT NOW? What does this signal to you for the rest of the day? What do you need? 

Happy Tuesday!



Freya Lily said...

I've seen these before! I like the idea. Maybe I should make one to hang by my bed!

Bola said...

I had never seen it before, which is weird. That would be a good idea!