Friday 27 July 2012

six pics ...

been playing a lot of tennis ... and love it!
yogurt, peaches and honey = new fave breakfast/dessert
vibrant purple eggplant spread at Banu
the bf surprised me with Odysseo = best show ever
so obsessed with my new Sam Eldmans I had to have them in black and natural
switching up the old work makeup routine by adding some eye liner

Happy Friday!

I hope you all have a relaxing weekend. I will be camping with some friends and am looking forward to the water, trees, fresh air and of course S'MORES :) 


Freya Lily said...

I've always wanted to play tennis but never got into it! Also volleyball...but I hated the shorts....

Bola said...

Lol! I say give it a try. I'm not great but it's a lot of fun and there's a lot of free courts around the city :)